Bio-FUE Hair Transplant Surgery | Best Hair transplant in Thane

What is Hair Transplant?
Hair transplant is a surgical procedure, wherein your own natural hair is taken from the back of your head and transplanted in the bald areas. The hair at the back of your head do not go bald, as they do not have receptors for DHT hormone that causes hair loss. Hence all hair transplant techniques utilise those hair to cover the existing bald patches.
Can Body hair be utilized for hair transplant?
Yes. For people who have a smaller donor area (from where the hair are taken) or less density in the donor site, body hair from the chest, beard can be used effectively.
What is FUE Hair Transplant?
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplants take hair follicles from the back of the scalp where your hair is thick and robust, and then graft those follicles into the balding area while they are still alive and healthy.
The follicles take root and new hair starts growing within 3 months, and it continues to grow and thicken over the next 6-9 months, restoring your hairline with a full head of hair that grows naturally and resiliently.
Traditionally, hair transplants extracted hair follicles by surgically removing a strip of your scalp from the back of your head. This invasive surgical procedure required lengthy recovery times and left a long, easily detectable, linear scar.
So what is BIO-FUE hair transplant?
It comprises of hair transplantation by FUE along with sessions of Platelet rich plasma therapy which simultaneously enhance residual hair as well as transplanted hair by presence of high concentration of growth factors directly near the hair roots and stimulation of STEM CELLS.
PRP is immunologically neutral and poses no danger of allergic, hypersensitivity or foreign-body reactions because it is derived from patient's own body.
In this, hair follicles to be transplanted are preserved in a special solution enriched with patient's own growth factors and at the end of surgery this concentrated solution of growth factors is injected into the whole affected area.
We prepare Platelet Rich Plasma with a specialized technique ensuring very high concentration of growth factors.
Advantages of Bio-FUE at Clear Skin Clinic
This procedure does not require an incision anywhere on the scalp saving the patient from any kind of inevitable scar that used to be produced while doing older hair treatments. This technique is associated with a faster healing time and its less invasive nature makes it one of the most popular hair treatments nowadays.
So visit us at our clinic or book an appointment to meet our expert Hair Transplant surgeon today.
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